Friday, June 29, 2012

US banks return on equity

The graph below was created using Google’s graph tools.

The line graph shows the return on equity for all commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) from the 1st quarter, 2006 to the 2nd quarter, 2011.

The graph shows that the return on equity (7.6%) for the 2nd quarter, 2011 has reached return on equity levels last reached during 2007.  Bank equity returns has recovered significantly since the low point in the 4th quarter, 2008. 

Data used in this graph can be found by clicking here.  This takes you to the FDIC’s Quarterly Banking Profile Report that provides quarterly data on US banks’ financial performance.  Click Ratios by Asset Size Group to see data used on the graph.

US Banks' Return on Equity (2006 to 2011)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Credit card use – small businesses

The graph below was created using Google’s graph tools.

The vertical graph shows the percentage of small businesses (less than 50 employees) using credit cards (either personal or business credit cards or both) in 2009.  The graph also shows the percentages of these small business credit card users that use their credit cards as a source of credit, meaning that balances are carried on the cards from month to month.

The data in the graph was taken from a Federal Reserve System report to Congress tilted “Report to the Congress on the Use of Credit Cards by Small Businesses and the Credit Card Market for Small Businesses”.   This report (PDF file) can be read by clicking here.   Other Federal Reserve reports to Congress can be accessed by clicking here.

Data on this graph and in the report could be useful to small companies in comparing their use of credit cards and credit card credit (debt) to other small companies.

Small Businesses' Use of Credit Cards and as a Source of Credit (2009)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Average US domestic air fares over 10 years

The graph below was created using Google’s graph tools.

The line graph shows the average US air fares for each year from 2001 to 2010.   Fares are based on round-trip or one-way for which no return was purchased.  Fares are also based on the total ticket price (including taxes and other fares), paid at the time of purchase. 

The data in the graph was collected by the US Department of Transportation.  Data used for the graph can be seen by clicking here.  This takes you to a US Department of Transportation site.

Data in the graph shows that companies are likely to pay an average of $300 to $400 per ticket over the next few years for their business traveling.   Such information might be useful in preparing budgets.

Average US Air Fares 2001 to 2010 (current 2011 dollars)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Total expense to grow one acre wheat in US, on average

The graph below was created using Google’s graph tool.

The line graph shows the total cost (variable and fixed) per acre, per year, to grow wheat, from 2000 to 2010.  The cost data is an average cost across the United States.

The cost data was obtained from a US Department of Agriculture website.  You can gain access to this data by clicking here.  Costs for each expense that make up the variable (e.g. chemicals, seeds, etc.) and fixed (e.g. land, etc.) are itemized.  This Department of Agriculture website has similar cost data for other commodities, e.g. corn, soybeans, etc.  Also, the website presents other economic data relevant to agriculture.

The average cost to grow wheat on an acre increased approximately 5.9 % per year.

Cost to Grow Wheat (per acre, per year) in US, 2000-2010

Friday, June 1, 2012

Imports into Mexico 2000 to 2010

The graph below was created by using Google’s graph tools.

The line graph shows the imports of goods and services by Mexico from 2000 to 2010.  The increase from 2000 to 2010 is 130 %.

Import growth rates might be useful for targeting countries where import growth is high.   Mexico’s 130 % growth in recent years compares to:  Indonesia – 249 %; South Africa – 219 %; Russia – 209 %; Israel – 49 %; and Belgium – 46 %.

The graph’s data was obtained from a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’s website.   Data at this website can be obtained by clicking here.

Imports of Good and Services by Mexico 2000 to 2010 (billions of Mexican pesos)