Saturday, November 30, 2013

Strategic initiatives for cost reduction

The graph below was created using Google’s graphing tools.

This horizontal bar graph shows response percentages to a Deloitte survey on implementing strategic initiatives for cost reductions.

The Deloitte survey is “What’s Next?  Deloitte’s Second Biennial Cost Survey.  Cost Improvement Practices and Trends in the Fortune 1000”.  Click here to access the report (PDF file).

A principle conclusion reached in the survey report is that more emphasis should be placed on strategic, long-term approaches to cost management versus short-term, quickly implemented cost reductions.

Strategic Initiatives for Cost Reduction

Friday, November 1, 2013

Environmental, social, and/or governance effects on financial performance

The graph below was created using Google’s graphing tools.

The horizontal bar graph shows 8 factors relevant to a company’s financial performance. 

A survey of 238 CFOs, and others, on environmental, social, and/or governance company programs and their importance relative to the 8 factors in the graph was conducted by the McKinsey Company in 2008.   For example, the most important way environmental, social, and/or governance programs influence financial performance is by increasing (or decreasing) the company’s reputation.   The least important way is by improving access to capital.

Click here (PDF file) to access the report containing the data in the graph and other results on the effects of environmental, social, and governance programs on company value.

Environmental, Social, and/or Governance Effects on Financial Performance