Friday, January 25, 2013

Future risk management challenges

The graph below was created using Google’s graph tools.

This horizontal bar graph identifies the top 15 challenges facing risk managers and the relative importance of the challenge to these risk managers.  The results in the graph are based on a survey of 387 companies.  Companies surveyed ranged in size from at least $500 million in revenues to more than $5 billion.  European, North America, Latin America, and Asia-Pacific companies were surveyed.

The survey was conducted in 2011 by the US Company Accenture and the results are reported in their study “Global Risk Management Study”.   You can read this study by clicking here. (PDF file)

Results on the graph and in the study should help companies make decisions on improving their management of risks.

Future Risk Management Challenges

Friday, January 18, 2013

Most used systems for knowledge management

The graph below was created using Google’s graph tools.

This graph identifies 11 of the most frequently used tools to manage information (knowledge) in 141 law firms and corporate law departments.  This identification is found in a survey of these organizations conducted by the International Legal Technology Association.  All survey results can be found in the report titled “Knowledge Management: Bridging People, Information and Processes”.   This report can be accessed by clicking here.

The respondents were asked to identify which of 25 “knowledge management” tools were being used in their organizations.  The 11 tools getting the most responses are shown on the graph.  The numbers shown represent a ranking of the tools used based on a tool's responses divided by the total responses for all 11 tools.

Although the survey was conducted on a specific business function (law firms and corporate law offices), the results likely reflect the preferred knowledge (information) management tools many organizations would choose (need) where knowledge management is a high priority.

Frequently Used Knowledge Management Systems

Friday, January 11, 2013

Percentage of European organizations that use lean management techniques

The chart below was created using Google’s chart tools.

The pie chart shows the percentages of European organizations that are using lean management techniques (57%), are planning to use lean management techniques (20%), or have no plans to use lean management techniques (23%).  The percentages are based on data collected by a survey conducted by Allied Consultants Europe.  The survey received 771 responses from European organizations.

The results of this survey can be read by clicking here (PDF file).

The results also how how extensive companies use various lean management techniques compared to their performance ratings.   Ratings include delivery rate, reject/complaint rate, and others.   Lean management techniques measured include pull systems, flow, waste reduction techniques, and others.

Percentage of European Organizations that Use Lean Management Techniques

Friday, January 4, 2013

Barriers to total quality management

The graph below was created using Google’s chart tools.

This horizontal bar graph shows a result of a survey of quality control managers on barriers to successful total quality management (TQM).   188 managers ranked 21 statements, on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being completely true), as to the truthfulness of the statement.  Each statement represents a potential barrier to TQM.  The 5 statements with the highest average responses are shown in the graph.

The details on the survey and other survey conclusions can be read by clicking here (PDF file).  The survey was conducted by Rose Sebastianelli and Nabil Tamini.

The survey should help companies to decide on steps to increase quality.

Barriers to Total Quality Management